Friendship Ride 2020, officially cancelled

Well, if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m sad to say that Friendship Ride 2020 is officially cancelled.
The Creek Fire filled our mountain area with thick dark smoke as bad as I’ve ever seen, which stretched well into mid November. Add to the fact that road closures changed daily depending on where they were concentrating their efforts for the day. I could not determent what areas of our route would be accessible on any given day. As the holidays, cooler weather and rain season approached, I knew our time was diminishing. I was holding out hope for pulling out a date we could all ride before the end of the year, but it looks like we have simply ran out of time.
I know a lot of your were really looking forward to the ride this year, I was as well. I was hoping for at least one day of normalcy in this crazy world of Covid-19. I’m hoping the new year brings everyone a new level of gratitude for doing the things we may have taken for granted.
Hope to see you all next year!